Radiators are heat exchanger and it is used to transfer thermal energy. The main purpose of the best radiators is cooling and heating. The radiators are constructed to function in buildings, cars, and electronics. Radiators are the source of heat, although this may be either used for the purpose of heating or for cooling the fluid or coolant supplied, as for automotive engine cooling & HVAC dry cooling towers. Mostly radiators transfer a lot of heat via convection instead of thermal radiation.
Performance of the radiators is essential for proper engine cooling & function. On the other hand, the condenser is a heat exchanger i.e used to condense a gaseous substance into a liquid state through cooling. The latent heat is released by the substance & gets transferred to the surrounding environment. These are used for efficient heat rejection in several industrial systems. It can be made as per the huge number of designs, & come in a lot of sizes ranging from rather small to very large.
Why is the radiators important?
The radiator is a part of the cooling system in the vehicle & has the main purpose of keeping the engine coolant fluid at the proper level. The coolant circulates throughout the engine & also keeps the engine components from overheating. The engine can be get damaged as a result of these extreme temperatures. It may cause significant engine damage i.e caused by overheating – in most of the cars we see the billowing smoke on the side of the road. It is totally caused by malfunctioning radiators! Radiator malfunction is caused by physical damage, that warrants a replacement of one or all of its components.
Why are Condensers important?
These are basically responsible for condensing the enriched vapors at the top, promoting the reflux of liquids to the column, & allowing the withdrawal of distillate. It plays a vital role in this process by essentially dissipating the heat carried to the outdoor unit. The condenser simply allows the cooling process to continue.
Differences Between Car Radiators & Car Condensers
While they both i.e car radiators & car condensers perform similar functions, but there are a variety of differences between car radiators & condensers. A car radiator is a part of the cooling system of engine, while on the other side the condenser is a component of the AC system. The radiator also uses a coolant to conduct heat from the engine & also dissipate it to the environment and the condenser uses pressurized inert gas for heat dissipation. Additionally, the AC system features a fan adjacent to the compressor, increasing the gas’s cooling rate. The condenser is placed in front of the condenser as it requires more airflow for optimal performance.
Electric radiators
Electric radiators are filled with a thermodynamic fluid such as oil, which transfers into heat energy when used with electricity. This means less maintenance is required than water-filled radiators as there is no need to bleed them. Every electric radiator is fitted with a thermostat which controls the amount of power needed to maintain the desired temperature level to heat the home.
Air-cooled condenser
An air-cooled condenser is a dry cooling system where steam is condensed inside finned tube radiators. This type of condensers is used for thermal power plants such as biomass, concentrated solar, coal, combined cycle & waste to energy. Power plants, which are equipped with ACCs, do not require a large volume of cooling water, the power plants can be built in a region where water may not be available, or where its use is expensive or restricted. Here, are various air-cooled condenser manufacturers in India.
7 Advantages of air-cooled condenser
- These condensers are simple in operation.
- They are having small sizes.
- Air-cooled condenser Required low maintenance.
- The process of cleaning is easy.
- They have less Installation cost.
- The design of the air-cooled condenser is less complex.
- AC condenser is more flexible to use.